It's nearing 2am, and in the midst of attempting to study Anatomy and writing reviews on Yelp, I've come to realize that I'm damn hungry. Instead of practicing self control (what's that?), I find myself scrummaging through the bag of loot I purchased earlier today. Backtrack.. I was shamelessly wandering the snack aisle of Target today, casually "browsing" for "healthy" study snacks. And what did I come across? Stouffer's Whales. Now you may wonder.. "What the hekk are Whales?!" I, too, found myself asking the same question. Due to curiosity and letting the Chinese in me kick in (Whales were $1.00 for a 7 oz. box VS Goldfishes, $2.24 a bag), I found myself pinching pennies and opted for the Whales instead. (side note: honestly, there's no pinching of pennies going on, I'm just saving for Sigma brushes!!)
So what are Whales? Through Google, I learn that Whales are a knock off .. errr, "second rate snack" of my beloved Pepperidge Farm Goldfishes. My initial thoughts? .. "How dare someone second rate MY goldfishes!!!" Anyway, check this baby out:

Cute, huh? The Whale is bigger than the Goldfish cracker. Go figure. The taste is bland, lacking in pungent cheddar flavor, and does not live up to its description: a "baked snack cracker with REAL cheddar cheese". The texture is slightly off, not crispy like Goldfishes. The whale is cute, but in a nutshell... WHALE FAIL.
Final verdict: Pepperidge Farm Goldfishes trumps Stouffer's Whales. Pay that extra ~$1.50. This is just another example of the classic phrase "you get what you pay for."
To my readers: any other snack suggestions?
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